Membership benefits
As an entrepreneurial business organization, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay is the voice of business for the Tampa/St. Petersburg area. Throughout its lifetime, we have striven to provide support and leadership in business in the following areas:
Cigar City Toastmasters Club Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 10:30AM – 11:45AM
(Face-to-Face and virtual via Zoom)
“Our club mission is to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.”
ZOOM link for those who can’t join us face-to-face:
Entrepreneur Collaborative Center @ 2109 E. 11th Ave., Tampa, FL 336O5
(Remember to park across Palm Avenue in the Sheriff’s parking lot across from the Fire Station).
If you want to be around people. We’ll be there to greet you.
More Benefits:
Promote Business
To advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses in the Tampa Bay Area.
Implementing and strengthening programs in the Tampa Bay area that assist the economic development of Hispanic firms.
Promoting international trade between Hispanic businesses in the Tampa Bay area and Latin America
Business Incubator
Providing technical assistance and connecting with local Hispanic business associations and entrepreneurs.